Welcome to the Earthtribe Website!
The Earthtribe is a nature-based healing community. We gather to expand our awareness and compassion through our deeper connection with the fields of nature and the web of life. We drum, chant, sing and dance – basking in the support of a loving community, including humans and all aspects of the Sacred Web. We have also integrated the practices and wisdom of the world religions and other meditational and spiritual practices.
The rituals and ceremonies that we practice are the sweat lodge, the vision quest and the earth dance.
We have three lodges:
- The Owl Eagle lodge which gathers at a ranch near Columbus, TX
- The Flying Buffalo lodge which is on property near Wimberley, TX
- The Hawk Mouse lodge in Massachusetts
Each lodge in Texas has a sweat lodge every month. The Vision Quest is once a year in the spring and the Earth Dance is yearly in the fall.
We are a spiritual community of the Center for Creative Resources, Inc, (CCR), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
The Earthtribe is a nature-based healing community. For that reason, we focus all our energies on healing practices at gatherings.
We adhere to these guidelines:
- We agree to abstain from, or be under the influence of, alcohol, plant-based or other mind-altering substances at our gatherings.
- We agree to abstain from the recreational use of tobacco via smoking or vaping. Tobacco is reserved for sacred ceremonies.