Earthtribe Vision Quest 2020
Ancient cultures throughout the world and Native American tribal people in particular, have used the Vision Quest as a tool to seek direction for life and as a doorway to enter spiritual realms. Retreating into nature in solitude, removed from the distractions and trappings of modern life, the quester, or vision faster, opens to a heightened state of awareness. The vision faster seeks a vision on behalf of the tribe as well as him/herself.
In the Earthtribe, a Vision Quest is a three-year process under the guidance of a pipe carrier. The first year, one has the aspiration to quest. The seeker attends the Vision Quest encampment as a general supporter; a part of the Earthtribe community who dances, chants and prays for the safety of the questers who are out crying for a vision, who sends them out and welcomes them back. The supporters maintain the encampment and provide a loving and nurturing community for the questers to return to. The second year begins when the seeker puts his/her stake in the ground declaring the intention to quest. During this time, the quester goes out into direct access of Nature and fasts for a period of time. The third year the quester agrees to integrate the vision and move into supporting others who are questing.
The vision encampment is a lively energetic field, a heightened vibration of the sacred web. In 2020, we will gather at Deer Dancer Ranch. We have a bi-focal emphasis. First and foremost, we support the questers who fast in their circles for their own expanded consciousness and for the larger concerns of Earth. Second, we aspire to create a vision encampment wherein we humans identify ourselves as an aspect of the community of life at the ranch. In that sense we are part of the Great Return of humans to Nature herself. In that continued sense we become a healing context for all who join in this return. Often there are healing events within the encampment not available at any other times during the year. It is the new joining of hands with all creatures that provides an eco-field of healing, movement toward wholeness.
Vision Questers 2020
Patricia Koch, Pippa Powling, Laura Ubl, Jodie Keeling, Lillie Rowden, Troy Jakobeit, and Will Turner
First Day Schedule
- Arrive in time to set up your encampment and join the opening circle at 2:00 p.m.
- Gates open at 8:00 a.m. When you arrive depends on the time you need
- Opening Medicine Circle at 2:00 p.m.
- Vision sweat lodge at 3:00 p.m.
- Sending out questers 5:30 p.m.
- Pipes are 10pm, 12-midnight, 2am, 4am, and 6am
- Last Day (May 3) Various ceremonies, break camp by noon
Note to Travelers
Arrival: Arrange to fly into the Austin or Houston Airport by 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 28, at the latest. You will need to make arrangements for lodging on Tuesday night, a rental car, grocery shopping and other needs on Tuesday afternoon. Contact Shiila Safer ( about arrangements.
Departure: Our closing circle ends by noon on Sunday, May 3 and it is a 2.5 hour drive to either airport. Plan on an airline departure time after 4:00 p.m. on May 3rd.
Other Schedule notes
Throughout the week we will have yoga type stretches, healing ceremonies, dream circles, eco-dramas, medicine bundle teaching, dialogues about healing and health, a stake ceremony, and other events that arise in the field.
Food: Bring your own food with close attention to awareness as to what not only supports you but also supports the soul of the community. There will be a group meal on Saturday night, so bring a dish for that event. Otherwise, you will eat what you bring as best for you.
Water: Bring water that fits your needs. There is well water that is quite drinkable, although some folk prefer their own water. Bring electrolyte balancing drinks as well as water.
Fees: Camping fee is including in registration.
Bunkhouse is available for $35 per night; first come, first serve. Make reservations with Allison Jensen ( Contact Shiila ( regarding payment.
Registration fee: $325 for everyone.
Pay Pal or by check made out to Center for Creative Resources, Inc.
Mail checks and registration form in advance to: CCR, P.O. Box 1419, Wimberley, Texas 78676
If you are new to the Earthtribe, it is important to talk with the registrar before registering to make sure this experience is a good fit. People with medical limitations need to talk directly with Will before registering.
Shiila Safer is registrar for the Vision Quest this year, so all questions about registration can be addressed to:
Scholarship requests should be sent to: