Its official! Following a carefully designed scientific experiment in collaboration with our collective intelligence and the eco-brain, we now confirmed that our 23rd Annual Earthdance was celebrated October 14–16, 2016.
Kudos to Jack Jensen for his cat-herding skills, getting us together for this Earthdance 23 group photo:
On Saturday morning, Will presented a talk and led a discussion about why we, as an Earthtribe, engage in various ceremonies and practices. Additional related wisdom and questions emerged from the field through Will’s talk and the lively discussion that followed.
In the dance with the Earth, we heard a Hopi Prophecy spoken by Black Peace Eagle (Larry Winters) and Larry has gifted us with this powerful video:
At our closing circle and Intentions Ceremony, the following Earthtribers stepped up to dance next year at Earthdance 24:
East: Lillie (assisted by RMaya)
South: Betty (assisted by Jyl)
West: Lisa and Tambra and Tina
North: Deborah (assisted by Karen)
Earth: Dan (assisted by Lynette)
Sky: Troy
Relations: Carmen
Ancestors: Gaye and Mary Pat